Stainers Bakery

Full information about Establishment and store Stainers Bakery at High Street, Bishops Waltham, Bishop's Waltham, England SO32 1AA. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


High Street, Bishops Waltham, Bishop's Waltham, England SO32 1AA
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+44 1489 895331

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Stainers Bakery

Reviews about Stainers Bakery

  • Robert Patten
    ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    This is a VERY busy and well supported local bakery, that suffers slightly from it's own popularity. Although the bakery proper is located away from the shop, the business of serving food and drink from the small cafe and selling bread and assorted cakes, pastries and takeaways from the even tinier shop, is a constant battle.

    The main problem is that the tiny cafe has too many tables and chairs for comfort and therefore you are constantly being nudged by fellow users, who are simply trying to get in or out of there. This is a prime example of less is more. At the moment there are 7 tables and I believe 22-23 chairs, all in a space of say...15' x 9'...ideally, they should lose 2 tables and say 5-6 chairs.

    The most common cause of complaint you hear from those who eat or drink in here, is that of overcrowding.

    Very friendly and helpful staff, lots of local news, views and gossip and the popularity of their products, make Stainers a very successful's just the problems mentioned above that pull it away, from being the best in the village.

    Certainly worth dropping into for a tea or coffee and a slice of cake if it's not too busy. And it is by far the cheapest priced outlet for those items, within Bishops Waltham.
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